Counter Recruiting
This shit has gone too far.
Rift over recruiting at public high schools
A Seattle high school bars military solicitation, touching off debate over Iraq war and free speech.
Choice Quote:
""Planned Parenthood, as far as I know, does not advocate or perform illegal acts. The US military does," Mr. Ludwig continued. The soft-spoken carpenter said he would not object if Army representatives came to Garfield to debate their ideas on torture or aggressive war. "What I object to is their coming here to recruit students to perform those acts," he said. "It's not about free speech.""
What a dickhead.
In further news, the ACLU of Johns Hopkins is working to have their ROTC detachment tossed off campus. How......inclusive of them.
I say extend Solomon to cover high schools. If you want to disavow yourselves from the actions of our government, feel free to disavaw yourself from its money as well.
Rift over recruiting at public high schools
A Seattle high school bars military solicitation, touching off debate over Iraq war and free speech.
Choice Quote:
""Planned Parenthood, as far as I know, does not advocate or perform illegal acts. The US military does," Mr. Ludwig continued. The soft-spoken carpenter said he would not object if Army representatives came to Garfield to debate their ideas on torture or aggressive war. "What I object to is their coming here to recruit students to perform those acts," he said. "It's not about free speech.""
What a dickhead.
In further news, the ACLU of Johns Hopkins is working to have their ROTC detachment tossed off campus. How......inclusive of them.
I say extend Solomon to cover high schools. If you want to disavow yourselves from the actions of our government, feel free to disavaw yourself from its money as well.
I wouldn't worry too much:
"The No Child Left Behind Act requires schools to let us have access to these students," he says.
Indeed, the resolution by Garfield's PTSA is more symbol than policy, for Seattle, like virtually all school districts, requires high schools to give recruiters access to students - or risk losing federal funding under Section 9528 of the act. School districts also are required to notify parents and students that they may "opt out" by signing a letter preventing recruiters from getting their names.
In response to Garfield's resolution, Seattle's district issued a statement reinforcing its policy of allowing recruiters to work on high school campuses, but also said it would increase efforts next fall to make it easier for parents and students to opt out.
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
"Planned Parenthood, as far as I know, does not advocate or perform illegal acts. The US military does," Mr. Ludwig continued.
Simple response: Planned Parenthood, was founded in the 1920s to eliminate blacks and East Europeans from the American continent, through eugenics, by 1980. Illegal? No. Immoral? Hmmmm.
The US military was founded to protect the American people from outside threats. Illegal? No. Immoral...? The military wasn't founded with the principal purpose of enacting an immoral cause, although occasionally, immoral acts have occurred (alas, the military is made up of mere humans, whereas the founders of PP were mere monsters.)
Of course, liberals like Ludwig can't fathom or expound thoughts longer than a cute soundbite, designed to garner "attaboy" drinks from other liberals.
Unknown, at 5:23 PM
2 things:
1) this is why I no longer live in Seattle. Those people drove me nuts,
2) The ROTC in the college I went to offered an outdoor survival class. Unfortunately, I was booked for that semester and planned to take it the next semester.
Lo and behold, through protests, they decide it's not worth it to stay at my school so I never got a chance to take the class (although I did years later through a private consultant).
That pissed me off. Whether you believe in military's policies or not, the military does have a lot to offer us.
As for Planned Parenthood, I don't think it's fair to use their past against them. You'd be surprised how many people believed in Eugenics back then. The child does not inherit the sins of his father.
The Zombieslayer, at 5:51 PM
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