
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Big City Union Shifts Support to Bloomberg

Big City Union Shifts Support to Bloomberg

I think the title says enough.


  • While I assume your post was meant to be some sort of variation on the theme of "see liberals, look at who this liberal institution is supporting," I could be wrong. However I would prefer to look at something a little more important.

    What benefits do we get out of having unions?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:31 PM  

  • My point is that Bloomberg is getting support from all sides, including unions that (until Guiliani) never would think of endorsing a Republican.

    By Blogger Dennis, at 8:00 PM  

  • I still don't understand what the point of the post is. If you found out that some Republicans were supporting a dramatic increase in taxes, would you post a blog about that too since someone is getting support from all sides?

    If I had written the post, I would angle it a little differently. I would ask, "why is that we have two major political parties, and yet both seem to support labor unions (where is the party that doesn't support labor unions?) despite their infinite horrendous effects on not only labor (which they purport to help) but the economy as a whole?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:05 PM  

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